Safety Policy
It is the Company's Policy to promote Safety at sea. In order to comply with this Policy, the Company is committed to continuous efforts to identify and eliminate or manage safety risks associated with its activities.
The Company's goal is to conduct its business in a manner that protects the safety of employees, all persons involved in its operations, customers and the public as well as to prevent all accidents, injuries and occupational illnesses through the active participation of every employee.
The Company goal is to achieve ZERO accidents and ZERO spills through continuous improvement.
For achieving this goal, the Company:
- Complies with all applicable laws and regulations and applies responsible standards where laws and regulations do not exist.
- Designs and maintains facilities, establishes management systems, provides training and conducts operations in a manner that safeguards people and property.
- Responds quickly, effectively and with care to emergencies or accidents resulting from its operations, in co-operation with industry organisations and authorized government agencies.
- Stresses to all employees, contractors and others working on its behalf their responsibility and accountability for safe performance whilst at work and safe behavior outside of work.
- Undertakes appropriate reviews and evaluations of its operations to measure progress and to foster compliance with this Policy.
- Conducts and supports research to extend knowledge about the safety effects of its operations and promptly applies significant findings and, as appropriate, shares them with employees, contractors, government agencies and others who might be affected.
This Policy has the full support of Top Management and applies to all employees of the Company.
Quality Policy
The Company endeavors to earn the confidence of the shipowners, charterers, seafarers and the marine industry in general and be recognized as a high quality, trustworthy and dependable international ship manager. This can only be achieved by providing flawless services that satisfy all relevant requirements.
The Company shall always provide quality, professional ship management services to owners and charterers, protect their interests and assets under its care and fulfill all their expectations.
The Company is committed to always comply with all applicable legal and other requirements to which it subscribes that relate to the pertinent hazards and to continually improve the effectiveness of its SMS.
The Company adopts a proactive approach concerning the needs of its clients and is responsive to their comments, requests, suggestions or complaints, always trying to improve the value of its services.
The Company encourages employee teamwork, personal improvement, cooperation, innovative thinking, initiative, leadership, decisiveness and focus on client's needs and satisfaction.
The Company sets measurable and meaningful quality, safety and environmental objectives and targets (including promotion of safety at sea, prevention of human injury or loss of life, and avoidance of damage to the environment, in particular to the marine environment and to property), and follows and reviews them when appropriate. In order to objectively assess its performance, the Company:
- Establishes criteria for the quality of its services
- Monitors, measures and analyses its objectives and targets
- Reviews its objectives and targets for continual suitability to verify that processes are effectively implemented.
The SMS defines the methods used to achieve its Policies and the associated objectives and targets. Its implementation ensures that all applicable requirements related to managing the ships of its clients will be satisfied, thus providing the necessary confidence between the Company and its customers.
The Company's management considers it's SMS as the basic tool for providing consistent and effective ship management service and improvement, provides sufficient resources and reviews it regularly to ensure its continuous suitability and effectiveness. The management commits itself in active implementation of the IMS and requires all involved personnel to do the same.
Every suggestion for improvement will be given full attention and will be brought to the highest level of the management.
All Company's employees, ashore and at sea, are expected to comply with this policy and work towards achieving Company's objectives. The success of the Company depends on the commitment and involvement of each individual employee.
This policy is continuously reviewed for its continuing suitability as well as in the Management Reviews and is available to the public and the Company's customers, vendors and suppliers.
Environmental Policy
The Company is committed to continuous efforts to improve environmental performance in all areas required by our SMS towards a cleaner environment. Furthermore, the Company is committed:
- To pollution prevention that emphasizes source reduction, including funding and human resources necessary to effectively maintain and repair the onboard systems, equipment and components.
- To continuous reduction of environmental risks.
- To sharing information on environmental performance with external stakeholders.
The Company goal is to achieve ZERO accidents and ZERO spills through continuous improvement.
For achieving this goal, the Company:
- Complies with all applicable environmental laws, regulations and requirements and applies responsible standards where laws, regulations and requirements do not exist.
- Responds quickly and effectively to environmental incidents resulting from its operations, in co-operation with industry organizations and authorized government agencies.
- Shows concern and respect for the environment, emphasizes every employee's responsibility in environmental performance and fosters appropriate operating practices and training.
- Undertakes appropriate reviews and evaluations of its operations to measure progress and to foster compliance with this Policy.
- Conducts and supports research to improve understanding of the impact of its business on the environment, to improve methods of environmental protection and to enhance its capability to make operations compatible with the environment.
- Manages its business with the goal of preventing environmental incidents and of controlling emissions and wastes to below harmful levels
- Designs, operates and maintains facilities to this end.
- Shares its experience with others to facilitate improvements in industry performance.
This Policy has the full support of Top Management and applies to all employees of the Company.
Health and hygiene Policy
Company holds health and hygiene as first priorities during its operations while its outmost concern is to always ensure that all shore staff and seagoing personnel execute their work under health and hygienic conditions. In order to ensure high standards of health and personal hygiene, the Company:
- Complies with all applicable laws and regulations and applies responsible standards where laws and regulations do not exist.
- Seeks to identify and evaluate health and hygiene risks related to its operations that potentially affect employees, contractors or the public.
- Communicates knowledge about health and hygiene risks to potentially affected individuals or organizations and the scientific community.
- Determines at the time of employment and thereafter, as appropriate, the medical fitness of employees to do their work without undue risk to themselves or others.
- Implements programs and appropriate protective measures to control such risks, including appropriate monitoring of potentially affected employees.
- Provides or arranges, as appropriate, for medical services necessary for the treatment of employee occupational illnesses or injuries and for the handling of medical emergencies.
- Undertakes appropriate reviews and evaluations of its operations to measure progress and to foster compliance with this Policy.
- Conducts and/or supports research to extend knowledge about the health and hygiene effects of its operations.
- Provides voluntary health and hygiene promotion programs designed to enhance employees well being and personal safety. These programs should supplement, but not interfere with, the responsibility of employees for their own health care.
Information about employees obtained through the implementation of health programs should be considered confidential and should not be revealed to non-medical personnel except at the request of the employee concerned, when required by law, when dictated by overriding public health considerations, or when necessary to implement the Drug and Alcohol Policy.
This Policy has the full support of Top Management and applies to all employees of the Company.
Drug and Alcohol Policy
Company Drug and Alcohol Policy exceeds the principles set forth in the Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF) "Guidelines for the control of drugs and alcohol aboard ships" and applies to all shore staff and sea going personnel.
It is the Company Policy that no seafarer, whatever rank, will navigate the vessel or will operate its equipment while impaired by drugs or alcohol or where there is any risk of such impairment.
In following this Policy, the Company:
- Has banned all alcoholic beverages from their managed vessels.
- Has banned any form of drug, with the exception of prescribed drugs as well as the misuse of legitimate drugs. • Has implemented random testing of all crew for banned substances and alcohol.
- Controls the use of all medical supplies on board the vessels they manage.
- Will dismiss and impose penalty, as per National and International regulations, to anybody: - using alcohol or banned substances on board the vessel;
- caught in possession of alcohol or banned substances;
- found to have been instrumental in bringing alcohol or banned substances on board;
- found to have a positive trace in any random testing sample, unless prior notice with authorization for use, had been given to the Master.
- On no account shall a person under the influence of drugs or alcohol, be allowed to stand watch or perform any other duty, involving the safety of the vessel, her crew or cargo, and the public.
- Will take all disciplinary action, including dismissal, against anybody consuming alcohol, while ashore, for at least 4 hrs prior scheduled watchkeeping duties or work period.
- Any crew member suspected for being under the influence of drugs or alcohol, while on duty, shall be immediately relieved from his duty and placed under observation until the influence of drugs or alcohol subsides
- All crew members understand that it is their duty and benefit, to report immediately to the appropriate Officer or the Master, if they are suspecting or have evidence that one of their fellow crew members is intoxicated.
- Requires all new recruits, prior their embarkation, to undergo a Drug and Alcohol medical examination test.
- All crew members are adequately informed on the provisions of this Policy, are familiar with them and are complying with their intent.
Security Policy
The Company guarantees it's commitment on matters of security and declares that all works conducted by its personnel, either ashore or onboard, will be effectively supervised in order to comply with the aims listed hereunder in order of priority:
It is the policy of the Company to provide a secure working environment by establishing and maintaining the required security measures to prevent unlawful acts, which endanger the safety and security of persons and property on board the ship.
Company objectives are to:
- Provide security procedures and practices for ship operations to protect the security of ports and the wider community.
- Establish safeguards to reduce the risk to passengers, crew and port personnel onboard.
- Improve the security skills and awareness of company personnel ashore and onboard.
- Prepare contingency measures for emergencies relating to possible security incidents. In case there is a conflict between commercial interests and the aims of the Security Policy, the Master will give priority to the above mentioned objectives.
These objectives will be achieved by :
- Comprehensive training for company and ship personnel. The personnel undergo training both immediately upon hiring and continuously during their employment.
- Actively promoting security awareness amongst company and shp personnel.
- Taking into account the decisions of the international shipping community.
- Regular documented reviews and internal audits of security procedures and plans in order to allow for constant update and improvement to the plan.
- The voyage, the cargo handling and all ship's operations are scheduled in advance, in order to foresee possible dangers and take the necessary precautions.
All employees and crewmembers are expected to comply with the required procedures within the SSP and should be familiar with the relevant security duties required of them and the measures required to protect the ship from any unlawful act.
The Company declares that the COMPANY SECURITY OFFICER (CSO) and the SHIP SECURITY OFFICER (SSO) have adequate knowledge, and/or have received training, as required by Part A of the ISPS Code, taking into account the guidance given in Part B of that Code, that shipboard personnel having specific security duties have sufficient knowledge and ability to perform their assigned duties and that all other shipboard personnel will have sufficient knowledge of, and are familiar with, relevant provisions of the SSP.
The Company ensures that the CSO, the Master and the SSO are given the necessary support to fulfill their duties and responsibilities in accordance with SOLAS and the ISPS code.
This Policy will be revised whenever necessary in order to ensure that the aims set are achieved and to monitor the correctness and effectiveness of the procedures and guidelines given.
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